Kefir Health Benefits explained

Kefir is a cultured dairy product that is made by fermenting milk and kefir grains that are made up of yeast, polysaccharides and lactic acid bacteria.

The product is very popular because it is rich in probiotics leading to great health benefits to those who add it to their diets. It is easily produced with a one time purchase of the “Kefir Maker” that will produce a first class probiotic cheap for many years.The fermented milk can be sheep, goat or cow milk and tastes so much like drinkable yoghurt. The one thing that makes kefir beneficial to health is because it has high levels of calcium, magnesium, vitamin B12, biotin, Vitamin K2, enzymes, folate and of course the probiotics.

Considering that this healthy drink does not have any standardised nutritional content, its value can be determi

Kefir Health Benefits from fruit and grain breakfast

Kefir Health Benefits from fruit and grain breakfast

ned by the cultures, cows and the region from where it’s produced. But even with the range of values, kefir is very superior in nutrition. Below are some of the health benefits of drinking it.

Kefir Health Benefits to enhance your well-being.

Boosts immune system – The probiotics found in kefir are what work towards boosting immunity and keeping you healthy. The drink replenishes healthy bacteria essential in fighting germs and viruses that cause illnesses. The probiotics are actually much better than antibiotic therapy because it eliminates the infectious agents and resolves the symptoms at the same time.

Improves the digestive function – Kefir has shown to greatly improve lactose intolerance because the bacteria it has breaks down milk lactose thus allowing smooth digestion to take place even in individuals who suffer from the intolerance.

Promotes overall relaxation and health – Kefir has tranquillising and calming effects and for this reason it can  be used to relieve conditions such as intestinal disorders, fatigue, sleeping difficulties and depression. Those suffering from ADHD also gain a great deal thanks to these effects.

Fights cancer – Kefir has important nutrients that have shown the ability to suppress or slow down cancerous tumours. Regular consumption of the drink can actually help stop the growth of breast cancer. Kefir health benefits have brought a lot of hope to scientists as far as the prevention and treatment of cancer in the future is concerned.

Builds bone density – It increases absorption of bone building calcium, minerals and also magnesium reducing risks of osteoporosis. Probiotics in kefir achieve improved nutrient absorption, improving the density of bones in the process thus keeping issues at bay.

Relieves asthma and allergies – It does this by suppressing inflammatory markers thus giving positive effects on asthma and allergies. Kefir health benefits come from powerful anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful in the prevention of asthma.

Supports detoxification – Since kefir is rich in lactic acid bacteria, it kills aflatoxins and funguses which

Kefir Health Benefits

Kefir Health Benefits from a Herb Dip

alter DNA that causes immune reactions and allergies. It in the process helps in preserving a healthy genetic expression. Considering that the toxic agents are all over, it is more beneficial to drink kefir on a regular basis to help in the detoxification process.

Kills candida – Destructive yeasts and bacteria lead to lots of candida issues. Since kefir has good bacteria, it helps remove the toxins, including the bad bacteria. It is for this reason that women who suffer from yeast infections are advised to drink kefir on a regular basis.

As we can see science is just fully exploring what kefir health benefits can be achieved by consuming kefir on a regular basis. Maybe we all can get close to the extraordinary life of Thomas Parr documented at Westminster Abbey. Let Kefir and science together pave the way to a healthier future.

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